Sindh and Punjab budget will be presented this evening
... Government of Punjab from Karachi today forthe next financial year presented the estimated696 billion budget is expected when the fiscal yearin Sindh eleven casualty. twelve different dyutyzbudget is likely to increase. According to budgetdocuments For next fiscal year budget of PunjabProvincial Development akrjat volume is likely to be 212 billion, while pus mrlh 5 houses back inproperty tax is proposed to be imposed. In addition, the Punjab government employeessalaries Federal employee salaries will increaseequal to the pension pnsnrz increase in the ratio isexpected to be. ylu Cape provincial budget styleschemes also plan to launch a new program, while20 doctors to 5 billion Rpy million package isexpected to be announced. Sindh ProvincialAssembly today for the next fiscal year budget willbe presented and zraya the province to increasethe income of some tariff rates to be Is likely.Sources further freight rate charges 0.8 per centinfrastructure cess and kymary fuel storage fees inthe bandd uyyrhaus 0.5 liter for money also has been proposed.
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